Call for Profile
Call for Profile
Nominate /Submit Your Profile(CV)
Agri Awardss Profile are invited from Industry Persons, Scientist, Academician, Research Scholars and Students for research Awards in our Events. All submission must in online Only.
The Candidates with eligibility can click the "Nominate Now" button and fill up the online submission form and Submit.
This section describes the total Research Awards processes in step by steps:
- Received Nomination documents will be sent for screening process
- Acknowledgement intimation via email will be communicated to the Nominee
- Team may ask the proof for the credits mentioned in the Resume.
- Cross verifying the documents submitted & forwarding it to the Committee.
- The selected candidate indicated through email. Also the selected nominees will be checking anytime in website track my submission.
- Event and Celebration Registration
- Release of the winners list in the official webpage
- Award presentation ceremony
- Release of the Award winners and his profile Report.