Tunde Etchie | Environmental Chemistry | Best Researcher Award

Dr Tunde  Etchie |  Environmental Chemistry |  Best Researcher Award

Lecturer & Researcher at  Federal University Lokoja, Kogi State,  Nigeria

Dr. Tunde O. Etchie is a dedicated Environmental Chemist focused on understanding the hazardous chemical compositions of air, water, and arable land and their impact on public health in Africa and Asia. His research explores how meteorology, demography, and socioeconomic status influence exposure to chemical pollutants and associated health burdens.


🎓 Education:

  • PhD in Environmental Chemistry & Pollution Control | University of Ibadan, Nigeria (2016)
  • MSc in Environmental Chemistry & Pollution Control | University of Ibadan, Nigeria (2009)
  • BSc in Biochemistry | Delta State University, Nigeria (2005)

💼 Professional Experience:

  • Lecturer | Federal University Lokoja, Nigeria (2019 – Present)
  • Director | Meteorology, Environment & Demographic Surveillance Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria (2017 – Present)
  • Lecturer | Landmark University, Kwara State, Nigeria (2018 – 2019)
  • Senior Research Officer | The INCLEN Trust International, New Delhi, India (2016 – 2017)

🔬 Research Interests:

Dr. Etchie is dedicated to understanding how hazardous chemical compositions in air, water, and arable land affect the burden of disease in Africa and Asia. His work explores the impact of meteorology, demography, and socioeconomic status on exposure to pollutants and related health outcomes.

📊 Citation Metrics:

  • Total Citations: 391
  • Citations Since 2020: 264
  • h-index: 12 (9 since 2020)
  • i10-index: 13 (8 since 2020)

Publication Top Notes:

  • The health burden and economic costs averted by ambient PM2.5 pollution reductions in Nagpur, India
    Environment International, 102, 145-156 (2017). [68 citations]

  • The gains in life expectancy by ambient PM2.5 pollution reductions in localities in Nigeria
    Environmental Pollution, 236, 146-157 (2018). [60 citations]

  • Determination of petroleum hydrocarbons and heavy metals in surface water and sediment of Ubeji river, Warri, Nigeria
    Bioremediation, Biodiversity and Bioavailability, 5, 46-51 (2011). [54 citations]

  • The burden of disease attributable to ambient PM2.5-bound PAHs exposure in Nagpur, India
    Chemosphere, 204, 277-289 (2018). [46 citations]

  • Influence of seasonal variation on water quality in tropical water distribution system: Is the disease burden significant?
    Water Research, 49, 186-196 (2014). [22 citations]

  • Season, not lockdown, improved air quality during COVID-19 State of Emergency in Nigeria
    Science of the Total Environment, 768, 145187 (2021). [21 citations]

  • Health risk assessment of exposure to metals in a Nigerian water supply
    Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 20(1), 29-44 (2014). [21 citations]

  • Prioritizing hazardous pollutants in two Nigerian water supply schemes: A risk-based approach
    Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 91, 553-561J (2013). [19 citations]

  • Burn to kill: Wood ash a silent killer in Africa
    Science of the Total Environment, 748, 141316 (2020). [13 citations]

  • Evaluation of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and some related heavy metals in soil and groundwater of Ubeji settlement, Warri Metropolis, Nigeria
    Terrestrial and Aquatic Environmental Toxicology, 6(1), 61-65 (2012). [13 citations]

  • Source identification of chemical contaminants in a rural settlement
    Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 5(9), 730-740 (2011). [13 citations]

  • Theoretical prediction of molar entropy of modified shifted Morse potential for gaseous molecules
    Chemical Physics, 582, 112294 (2024). [12 citations]

  • Burden of disease at the same limit of exposure to airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons varies significantly across countries depending on the gap in longevity
    Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 180, 420-429 (2019). [11 citations]

  • Can the Indian national ambient air quality standard protect against the hazardous constituents of PM2.5?
    Chemosphere, 303, 135047 (2022). [5 citations]

  • Systemic chronic health risk assessment of residential exposure to Cd²⁺ and Cr⁶⁺ in groundwater
    Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 94(1), 181-194 (2012). [5 citations]

  • Chronic exposure to heavy metals in public water supply and human health risk assessment
    Terrestrial and Aquatic Environmental Toxicology, 6(2), 106-111 (2012). [5 citations]

  • Dangerous organic chemicals identified in inhalable particulate matter air pollution
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 640(1), 012094 (2019). [2 citations]

  • Development of national health-based target for regulating airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons exposure in Nigeria
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1299(1), 012088 (2019). [1 citation]

  • COVID lockdowns significantly affect statewide atmospheric fine aerosols in India after excluding long-term pollution patterns and time-lag effect
    Atmospheric Environment, 343, 121013 (2025).

  • Is wood ash a silent killer in sub-Saharan Africa
    Health & Medicine, 10.32907/RO-119-3033 (2020).