Franciely da Silva Ponce | Agronomic | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr Franciely  da Silva Ponce |  Agronomic |  Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr at  Universidade Paranaense,  Brazil

Franciely da Silva Ponce is a full professor in the Agronomic Engineering course at Paranaense University (UNIPAR) and a faculty member of the Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology Applied to Agriculture. She holds a Ph.D. in Agronomy (Horticulture) from São Paulo State University (UNESP), where her research focused on the integrated management of Lepidoptera pests in brassicas using Trichogramma pretiosum. Franciely completed her Master’s degree in Environment and Agricultural Production Systems at the State University of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), focusing on the environmental and economic aspects of cabbage cultivation. Her undergraduate degree in Agronomy was also obtained from UNEMAT, where she researched the propagation of Byrsonima cydoniifolia. She has additional training in plant biochemistry and cultural management. Her research interests include tropical horticulture, vegetable production, pest management, and integrated pest management. Franciely has been involved in various research and extension activities, including technology transfer in vegetable production and teaching at multiple institutions.


Academic Background:

🎓 PhD in Agronomy (Horticulture)
São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil
Title: Integrated Management of Lepidoptera Pests in Brassicas Using Trichogramma pretiosum Riley
Year: 2021

🎓 Master’s in Environment and Agricultural Production Systems
State University of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Brazil
Title: Environmental, Productive and Profitability Analysis of Cabbage Cultivation
Year: 2018

🎓 Degree in Agronomy
Mato Grosso State University (UNEMAT), Brazil
Title: Feasibility of Using Cuttings and Indolbutyric Acid in the Propagation of Murici
Year: 2015

Current Positions:

👩‍🏫 Full Professor
Paranaense University (UNIPAR), Brazil

  • Agronomic Engineering Course
  • Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology Applied to Agriculture

Research Interests:

🌿 Tropical Horticulture

  • Horticulture and Society
  • Management and Production of Vegetable Species
  • Integrated Pest Management
  • Protected Cultivation
  • Non-Conventional Vegetables
  • Post-Harvest Vegetables
  • Cost and Profitability of Vegetable Production

Professional Experience:

  • Scholarship Holder, Research Fellow
    Mato Grosso State University (UNEMAT)

    • Vegetable Cultivation in Protected Environments
  • Guest Professor
    Mato Grosso State University (UNEMAT)

    • Production and Quality of Vegetables (Master’s course)

Publication Top Notes:

  • Melon Cultivation Under Agrotextile Increases Production and Reduces Phytosanitary Products
  • Profitability and Efficiency of Conduction Systems and Optimal Tomato Density for Fresh Consumption
  • Desafios e Perspectivas do Manejo da Traça-do-Tomateiro
  • Do the Training System and Spacing Affect the Productivity and Quality of Tomato Plants?
  • Adubação Silicatada na Produtividade e Respostas Fisiológicas das Plantas
  • Effect of Polycarbonate and Agricultural Film on Production and Biochemical Compounds of Tomato Fruits
  • Produtividade, Custo e Rentabilidade de Couve Produzida Sob Túnel Baixo
  • Does the Physiological Trade-Off Between Reproduction and Defense Affect the Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Tomato Plants Infested with Bemisia tabaci MED and MEAM1?
  • Dispersão de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) em Cultivos de Couve e Repolho
  • Teores de Macro e Micronutrientes em Plantas de Jambu Cultivadas em Ambiente Protegido
  • Controle Cultural de Nematoides em Alface, Utilizando Cobertura de Solo e Consórcio com Cravo-de-Defunto
  • Curva de Absorção de Água em Sementes de Sete Cascas em Função do Tamanho
  • Produção e Qualidade de Melão Amarelo Submetido a Diferentes Sistemas de Plantio
  • Viabilidade Agroeconômica do Cultivo de Híbridos Tomateiro de Hábito Determinado no Período de Safra e Entressafra na Região Central Matogrossense
  • Viabilidade do Uso de Estacas e Ácido Indolbutírico na Propagação de Murici (Byrsonima cydoniifolia A. Juss.)
  • Produção de Cultivares de Almeirão Sob Diferentes Telados e Campo Aberto em Clima Tropical
  • Curva de Absorção de Nutrientes em Jambu (Spilanthes oleracea L.), Cultivado em Sistema Hidropônico
  • Índices Morfofisiológicos de Alface Produzidas em Diferentes Substratos Sob Ambiente Protegido


Deucleiton Jardim Amorim | Agronomy | Best Researcher Award

Mr  Deucleiton Jardim Amorim | Agronomy | Best Researcher Award

Candidate PhD at  UNESP,  Brazil

Graduado em Agronomia pela Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA, 2020), possui curso técnico em Agropecuária pelo Centro Familiar de Formação por Alternância e ensino médio profissionalizante – CEFFA (2012-2014). Mestre em Proteção de Plantas e Doutorando em Proteção de Plantas pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho – Unesp/FCA.


Formação Acadêmica:

  • Doutorado em andamento em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas)
    • Instituição: Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), Brasil
    • Orientador: Silvia Renata Siciliano Wilcken
    • Coorientador: Luis Garrigós Leite
    • Ano de início: 2022
    • Bolsista: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
  • Mestrado em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas)
    • Instituição: Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), Brasil
    • Título: Prospecção de bactérias no controle biológico de nematoide-das-galhas (Meloidogyne incognita) e promoção de crescimento vegetal
    • Ano de obtenção: 2022
    • Orientador: Silvia Renata Siciliano Wilcken
    • Coorientador: Luis Garrigós Leite
    • Bolsista: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
    • Palavras-chave: Controle biológico; Bacillus; Pseudomonas; Nematoide-das-galhas
    • Grande área: Ciências Agrárias
  • Graduação em Agronomia
    • Instituição: Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA), Brasil
    • Título: Alternativas de manejo para controle de Pratylenchus brachyurus na cultura da soja
    • Orientador: José Roberto Brito Freitas
    • Ano de conclusão: 2019
  • Curso técnico/profissionalizante em Técnico em Agropecuária
    • Instituição: Centro Familiar de Formação por Alternância Manoel Monteiro (CEFFA), Brasil
    • Ano de conclusão: 2014

Formação Complementar:

  • Taxonomia de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (35h) – Universidade Estadual da Região Tocantina do MA (UEMASUL), 2018
  • Suplementação mineral para bovinos de corte (4h) – Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA), 2017
  • Rotinas básicas de software QGIS aplicadas à agricultura: gestão e manuseio (8h) – Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA), 2017
  • Implantação de pastagens (8h) – Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA), 2016
  • Componente Solo nos Sistemas de ILPF (10h) – Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Rural (SENAR), 2016
  • Práticas de manejo das principais culturas do tabuleiro de São Bernardo (8h) – Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA), 2016

Atuação Profissional:

  • Professor de Fitopatologia e Entomologia – Universidade Estadual da Região Tocantina do Maranhão (UEMASUL)
  • Engenheiro Agrônomo – Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA)
  • Técnico em Agropecuária – Centro Familiar de Formação por Alternância e ensino médio profissionalizante (CEFFA)

Research Focus: Agronomy

  • Plant Protection: Given their master’s and doctoral studies in Plant Protection, their research is likely focused on strategies and technologies to safeguard crops from pests, diseases, and weeds.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Developing and optimizing IPM strategies to manage pest populations while minimizing environmental impact.
  • Crop Disease Management: Studying plant pathogens and disease dynamics to develop resistant crop varieties or effective management practices.
  • Pest Biology and Ecology: Researching the biology and ecology of crop pests to better understand their life cycles and interactions with crops.
  • Herbicide Resistance: Investigating mechanisms of herbicide resistance in weeds and developing alternative control methods.
  • Sustainable Agricultural Practices: Exploring sustainable approaches to crop protection that align with broader agricultural sustainability goals.

Publication Top Notes:

  • “Bacillus, Pseudomonas and Serratia control Meloidogyne incognita (Rhabditida: Meloidogynidae) and promote the growth of tomato plants”
    DOI: 10.1016/j.rhisph.2024.100935
  • “Response of plants used in cover crop mix to Meloidogyne enterolobii, Meloidogyne incognita and Pratylenchus brachyurus”
    Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical
    DOI: 10.1590/1983-40632023v5375822
  • “Logística, indicadores socioeconômicos e perdas pós-colheita de hortifrútis em cinco cidades Maranhenses”
    Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais
    DOI: 10.6008/CBPC2179-6858.2021.005.0054
  • “Casca de arroz carbonizada como substrato alternativo na propagação por estaquia de ixora (Ixora coccínea)”
    Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais
    DOI: 10.6008/CBPC2179-6858.2021.002.0003
  • “Aspectos da comercialização e perdas pós-colheita de beterraba em diferentes segmentos varejistas”
    Research, Society and Development
    DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i10.8191
  • “Substrato a base de bagana de carnaúba na propagação vegetativa de Ocimum basilicum”
    Research, Society and Development
    DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i9.7879
  • “Postharvest losses of fruits and vegetables in different microregions of Maranhão, Brazil”
    Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais
    DOI: 10.6008/CBPC2179-6858.2020.005.0056
  • “Perdas pós-colheita e destinação final de frutas em segmentos comerciais de Teresina (PI)”
    Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais
    DOI: 10.6008/CBPC2179-6858.2020.003.0034



Khalid Hussain | Crop Production | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr  Khalid Hussain | Crop Production |  Best Researcher Award

Associate Professor at  University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan

Dr. Khalid Hussain is an accomplished agronomist and academician currently serving as an Associate Professor at the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. With a robust academic background, he completed his PhD in Agronomy from the University of Hohenheim, Germany, focusing on resource use competition in agricultural systems. Dr. Hussain’s research spans various facets of agronomy, including crop-soil interactions, climate change impacts on cropping systems, and sustainable agricultural practices. He has authored numerous publications in reputed journals and actively contributes to international research collaborations. His expertise also extends to project management and capacity building in agriculture, supported by prestigious grants and awards, including recognition as Best Researcher by the HEC-Pakistan. Dr. Hussain is a member of several professional societies and continues to advance agricultural science through his teaching, research, and outreach initiatives.


🎓 Education:

Ph.D. in Agronomy, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany (2015). M.Sc. (Hons.) Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan (2007). B.Sc. (Hons.) Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan (2005)

📊 Skills:

Strong analytical and technical skills in research planning, data analysis, and project management. Proficient in MS Office, data modeling, and machine learning applications.

Publication Top Notes:

  • Constructed wetlands as a sustainable technology for wastewater treatment with emphasis on chromium-rich tannery wastewater
  • Sustainable Soil Loss Management in Tropical Uplands: Impact on Maize-Chili Cropping Systems
  • The potential of microbes and sulfate in reducing arsenic phytoaccumulation by maize (Zea mays L.) plants
  • Productivity and Resource Use in a Maize-Grain Legume Intercropping System in Punjab, Pakistan
    • Journal: International Journal of Agriculture and Biology
    • Date: January 21, 2021
  • Sustainable land use options for optimum resources use in maize based cropping system on uplands of Western Thailand


Boubie Vincent Bado | Soil Fertility | Best Researcher Award

Dr Boubie Vincent  Bado | Soil Fertility | Best Researcher Award

Principal Scientist at  Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research, Burkina Faso

Vincent Boubié Bado is an esteemed agronomist specializing in Soil Science and Environmental studies. Holding an Agronomy Engineer degree from the University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, he pursued further education, earning an MSc in Soil Fertility and a PhD in Soil Science and Environment from the University of Laval, Canada.



🎓 B.Sc. Agronomy Engineer in Rural Development, University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) 🎓 M.Sc. Soil Fertility, University of Laval (Canada) 🎓 Ph.D. Soil Science and Environment, University of Laval (Canada)



🌾 31 years in National Agricultural Research System (NARS) of Burkina Faso 🌾 Program Coordinator & Program Leader roles 🌍 14 years at Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice), CGIAR member 🌾 Principal Scientist, Head of Regional Station (West Africa Sahel), Country Representative (Senegal) 🌾 Regional Representative (7 countries), focal point for partnership with WAEMU

Vincent Bado brings expertise in Cropping Systems & Natural Resource Management, fostering sustainable agriculture for positive impact in Africa and beyond.

Soil Fertility Research Focus:

Vincent Bado’s research focuses on enhancing soil fertility through sustainable agricultural practices. With a background in Agronomy and specialized studies in Soil Fertility, his work aims to understand soil nutrient dynamics, improve soil health, and optimize crop productivity. Through his extensive experience in both national and international agricultural research systems, Vincent has contributed significantly to the development of innovative strategies for soil fertility management, benefiting farming communities and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

  • Citations: 509
  • Documents: 449
  • h-index: 14

Publication Top Notes:

  • Evaluation of fermentation progress during storage of millet stovers silage based on pH-indicators
    • Authors: Korombé, H.S., Bado, V.B., Abdou, N., Ibrahima, A., Gouro, A.S.
    • Journal: Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research, 2023, 13(2), pp. 116–126
    • Citations: 1
  • Improving the productivity of millet-based cropping systems in the West African Sahel: Experiences from a long-term experiment in Niger
    • Authors: Bado, B.V., Bationo, A., Whitbread, A., Tabo, R., Manzo, M.L.S.
    • Journal: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2022, 335, 107992
    • Citations: 8
  • Thirty years of agronomy research for development in irrigated rice-based cropping systems in the West African Sahel: Achievements and perspectives
    • Authors: Ibrahim, A., Saito, K., Bado, V.B., Wopereis, M.C.S.
    • Journal: Field Crops Research, 2021, 266, 108149
    • Citations: 22
  • Evaluation of chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of stovers of different pearl millet varieties and their effect on the performance of sheep in the West African Sahel
    • Authors: Umutoni, C., Bado, V., Whitbread, A., Ayantunde, A., Gangashetty, P.
    • Journal: Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica A: Animal Sciences, 2021, 70(2), pp. 91–99
    • Citations: 6
  • Improving agricultural productivity using agroforestry systems: Performance of millet, cowpea, and ziziphus-based cropping systems in West Africa Sahel
    • Authors: Bado, B.V., Whitbread, A., Sanoussi Manzo, M.L.
    • Journal: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2021, 305, 107175
    • Citations: 31


Liang He | Agronomy | Best Researcher Award

Prof Liang He | Agronomy | Best Researcher Award

dean at  Xinjiang university, China

Dr. He Liang, born in December 1981, is a distinguished professor and serves as the Executive Vice Dean of the School of Computer Science and Technology, as well as the Dean of the School of Intelligence Science and Technology at Xinjiang University. He holds a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence and specializes in temporal sequence signal processing, knowledge graphs, and reinforcement learning.


Educational Background:

  • Qualification: PhD
  • Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
  • Sub-Division: Knowledge Graphs, Reinforcement Learning

Professional Experience and Achievements:

Dr. He Liang serves as the Executive Vice Dean of the School of Computer Science and Technology and Dean of the School of Intelligence and Science and Technology at Xinjiang University. With a focus on temporal sequence signal processing, knowledge graphs, and reinforcement learning, he has led over 20 scientific research projects and published over 100 academic papers in prestigious journals and conferences, including Nature Communication, IEEE Trans on ASLP, and ICASSP.

He is a well-regarded reviewer for several international journals and conferences such as IEEE Audio, Speech and Language Processing, and Pattern Recognition. Dr. Liang’s contributions to research have earned him over 1000 citations in Scopus/Web of Science.

Research and Development Contributions:

Dr. Liang has made significant contributions to the study of drought stress resistance in cotton plants, exploring optimal irrigation methods to improve yield and conserve water. His research has shown a strong correlation between deficit irrigation and improved cotton yield, leading to optimized irrigation schemes that benefit local agriculture.

Agronomy Research Focus:

Dr. He Liang has directed a significant portion of his research towards addressing agronomic challenges, particularly in the context of arid regions. His work primarily focuses on optimizing agricultural practices through advanced data-driven methodologies and artificial intelligence.


  • H-Index: 25 (Total), 24 (Since 2019)
  • i10-Index: 66 (Total), 61 (Since 2019)
  • Total Citations: 2352 (Total), 1836 (Since 2019)


Publication Top Notes:

  • Applications of Chemical Vapor Generation in Non-Tetrahydroborate Media to Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
    • Year: 2010
    • Citations: 202
  • Large Margin Softmax Loss for Speaker Verification
    • Year: 2019
    • Citations: 163
  • The Trans-Omics Landscape of COVID-19
    • Year: 2021
    • Citations: 88
  • Speaker Embedding Extraction with Phonetic Information
    • Year: 2018
    • Citations: 77
  • Evaluation of Tungsten Coil Electrothermal Vaporization-Ar/H2 Flame Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry for Determination of Eight Traditional Hydride-Forming Elements and Cadmium
    • Year: 2008
    • Citations: 55
  • Dynamics and Correlation Among Viral Positivity, Seroconversion, and Disease Severity in COVID-19: A Retrospective Study
    • Year: 2021
    • Citations: 53
  • Enhance Prototypical Network with Text Descriptions for Few-Shot Relation Classification
    • Year: 2020
    • Citations: 53
  • Simultaneous Utilization of Spectral Magnitude and Phase Information to Extract Supervectors for Speaker Verification Anti-Spoofing
    • Year: 2015
    • Citations: 52