Farnaz almasi | Soil-Vegetable System | Best Researcher Award

Dr Farnaz almasi |  Soil-Vegetable System |  Best Researcher Award

shoushtar faculty, Iran

Farnaz Almasi is an environmental researcher specializing in bioremediation, pollution control, and environmental health risk assessments. Her work focuses on innovative solutions to mitigate the effects of pollutants in water, soil, and industrial environments, particularly in saline and contaminated areas. Almasi has contributed to several studies on biosurfactant-assisted composting, biodegradation of petroleum, and the health risks associated with environmental contaminants like pesticides and heavy metals. She has published extensively in high-impact journals, including research on the degradation of hazardous chemicals and the health impacts of pollutants in aquatic systems. With a strong background in environmental engineering, Almasi continues to make significant strides in the field of environmental health and pollution management.


Publication Profile

🏆 Notable Achievements:

  • Published extensively in high-impact journals, with a focus on biosurfactant-assisted composting, herbicide residue monitoring, and bioremediation using halotolerant bacterial strains.
  • Contributed significantly to studies on health risk assessments related to environmental contaminants, including pesticides and toxic elements.

🧪 Key Research Contributions:

  • Enhanced bioremediation techniques for petroleum-contaminated saline soils.
  • Health risk assessment of herbicides and organochlorine pesticides in water systems.
  • Systematic reviews on the environmental transmission of COVID-19 and arsenic’s role in kidney cancer.

Key Skills and Expertise:

  • Bioremediation of industrial and saline environments.
  • Risk assessment of environmental pollutants.
  • Advanced oxidation processes for pollutant degradation.

📚 Research Focus:

Farnaz Almasi is a prolific researcher specializing in environmental science and engineering, with a strong emphasis on bioremediation, pollution control, and environmental health risk assessments. Her work often explores innovative solutions for mitigating the effects of pollutants in water, soil, and industrial environments.

Citation Metrics:


  • Total Citations: 424
  • Citations Since 2019: 339


  • Total h-index: 11
  • h-index Since 2019: 10


  • Total i10-index: 16
  • i10-index Since 2019: 10

Publication Top Note:

  • A comparative study on the removal of phenol from aqueous solutions by electro–Fenton and electro–persulfate processes using iron electrodes
    AR Rahmani, H Rezaeivahidian, M Almasi, A Shabanlo, H Almasi
    Research on Chemical Intermediates 42, 1441-1450 (58 citations, 2016)
  • Removal of turbidity and organic matter from car wash wastewater by electrocoagulation process
    MJ Mohammadi, J Salari, A Takdastan, M Farhadi, P Javanmardi, AR Yari, …
    Desalination and Water Treatment 68, 122-128 (50 citations, 2017)
  • Spatial distribution, ecological and health risk assessment and source identification of atrazine in Shadegan international wetland, Iran
    H Almasi, A Takdastan, N Jaafarzadeh, AA Babaei, YT Birgani, …
    Marine Pollution Bulletin 160, 111569 (48 citations, 2020)
  • Arsenic in drinking water and kidney cancer: a systematic review
    N Jaafarzadeh, A Poormohammadi, H Almasi, Z Ghaedrahmat, F Rahim, …
    Reviews on Environmental Health 38 (2), 255-263 (24 citations, 2023)
  • Activated persulfate by chelating agent Fe·/complex for in situ degradation of phenol: intermediate identification and optimization study
    AR Rahmani, A Poormohammadi, F Zamani, Y Tahmasebi Birgani, S Jorfi, …
    Research on Chemical Intermediates 44, 5501-5519 (24 citations, 2018)
  • A comparative study on the removal of pentachlorophenol using copper-impregnated pumice and zeolite
    AR Rahmani, S Jorfi, G Asgari, F Zamani, H Almasi, Z Masoumi
    Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 6 (2), 3342-3348 (24 citations, 2018)
  • Modeling and optimization of ciprofloxacin degradation by hybridized potassium persulfate/zero valent-zinc/ultrasonic process
    AR Rahmani, H Rezaei-Vahidian, H Almasi, F Donyagard
    Environmental Processes 4, 563-572 (23 citations, 2017)
  • Effect of silica on the ultrasonic/persulfate process for degradation of Acid Black 1 in aqueous solutions
    AR Rahmani, F Zamani, A Shabanloo, H Almasi
  • Optimization of catalytic ozonation process for removal of reactive black 5 dye using bone char ash modified by magnesium oxide and applying taguchi design
    G Asgari, H Almasi, J Fardmal, F Ghanbari, Z Daraie, S Akbari
    Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences 24 (122), 252-262 (17 citations, 2015)
  • Optimization of ciprofloxacin antibiotic sonochemical degradation with persulfate activated by nano zero-valent iron by central composite design method
    AR Rahmani, H Almasi, S Bajalan, H Rezaei Vahidian, A Zarei, …
    J. Health 8, 231-245 (11 citations, 2017)
  • Investigation into catalytic potential of marble powder in catalytic ozonation of reactive black 5
    S Akbari, F Ghanbari, H Almasi, G Asgari
    (11 citations, 2017)
  • Removal of 2, 4-dichlorophenol from aqueous solution using ultrasonic/H2O2
    M Sadrnourmohamadi, A Poormohammadi, H Almasi, G Asgari, …
    Desalination and Water Treatment 75, 189-194 (11 citations, 2017)
  • Removal of 2, 4 di-chlorophenol using persulfate activated with ultrasound from aqueous solutions
    A Seid Mohammadi, G Asgari, H Almasi
    Journal of Environmental Health Engineering 1 (4), 259-270 (11 citations, 2014)
  • Herbicide residues in water resources: a scoping review
    S Jorfi, F Rahim, A Rahmani, N Jaafarzadeh, Z Ghaedrahmat, H Almasi, …
    Avicenna Journal of Environmental Health Engineering 8 (2), 126-133 (10 citations, 2021)
  • Biodegradation of Bisphenol A in a saline industrial wastewater using Alcaligenes faecalis strain BPAN5
    A Neisi, AR Rahmani, S Ghafari, S Jorfi, H Almasi
    Desalination and Water Treatment 189, 276-282 (10 citations, 2020)
  • Investigation of sonochemical oxidation process in the presence of SiO2, CuSO4 and Na2SO4 in removal of acid black1 azo dye from aqueous solution
    HA R Rahmani, Z Masoumi, A Shabanlo, S Akbari
    Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences 13 (12), 1115-1128 (10 citations, 2015)
  • The study of phenol removal from aqueous solutions using oxidizing agents of peroxide hydrogen, persulfate and periodate activated by ultrasound
    H Almasi, G Asgari, M Leili, Z Sharifi, A Seid-Mohammadi
    Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences 15 (9), 835-848 (9 citations, 2017)
  • Monitoring and health risk assessment of organochlorine pesticides in Karun River and drinking water Ahvaz city, South West of Iran
    S Jorfi, A Poormohammadi, E Maraghi, H Almasi
    Toxin Reviews 41 (2), 361-369 (8 citations, 2022)
  • Sonochemical oxidation of phenol using persulfate activated by zerovalent iron nanoparticles in aqueous environments
    R Shokouhi, Y Poureshgh, H Almasi, A Shabanloo
    J Occup Environ Health 2 (1), 7-17 (7 citations, 2016)
  • Application of a moving bed biofilm reactor in removal of ciprofloxacin from real hospital effluent: effect of operational conditions
    R Shokoohi, H Almasi, M Sedighi, Z Daraee, S Akbari
    Avicenna Journal of Environmental Health Engineering 4 (2), 19-23 (6 citations, 2017)



Panagiotis Madesis | Sustainable Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Assoc. Prof. Dr Panagiotis Madesis |  Sustainable Agriculture |  Best Researcher Award

Certh/inab,  Greece

Dr. Panagiotis Madesis Assistant Professor, University of Thessaly School of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural Environment Specialization: Cellular and Molecular Biology.


Publication Profile


  • Ph.D., Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2004
  • M.Sc., Plant Breeding and Plant Physiology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1998
  • B.Sc., Agriculture, Plant Science, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1996

Awards and Distinctions:

  • Distinction by the President of the Hellenic Republic, Ministry of Rural Development, 2013
  • Christidis Award for Best Presentation, 15th Greek Conference of Plant Breeding and Genetics Society
  • Papadakis Award for Best Poster, 16th Greek Conference of Plant Breeding and Genetics Society

Research Interests:

  • Plant breeding and biotechnology
  • Stress tolerance in plants
  • Food fraud detection and traceability
  • Plant genomics and biodiversity assessment
  • Human health and high-value plant product development

Research Focus:

Dr. Panagiotis Madesis is an expert in cellular and molecular biology, focusing on plant stress tolerance mechanisms, plant breeding, and the application of biotechnology for developing higher-yielding and stress-tolerant crops. His work involves the use of genomics and “omics” technologies to improve plant health and productivity. He is also interested in food safety, specifically in detecting food fraud and identifying adulteration in commercial products.


  • Total Citations: 5227
  • Citations Since 2019: 3511


  • Total h-index: 41
  • h-index Since 2019: 30


  • Total i10-index: 120
  • i10-index Since 2019: 105

Publication Top Note:

  • Plant glutathione transferase-mediated stress tolerance: functions and biotechnological applications
    I Nianiou-Obeidat, P Madesis, C Kissoudis, G Voulgari, E Chronopoulou, …
    Plant Cell Reports, 36, 791-805, 2017
  • Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria isolated from halophytes and drought-tolerant plants: Genomic characterisation and exploration of phyto-beneficial traits
    K Leontidou, S Genitsaris, A Papadopoulou, N Kamou, I Bosmali, T Matsi, …
    Scientific Reports, 10(1), 14857, 2020
  • The use of lupin as a source of protein in animal feeding: Genomic tools and breeding approaches
    EM Abraham, I Ganopoulos, P Madesis, A Mavromatis, P Mylona, …
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(4), 851, 2019
  • Advances of DNA-based methods for tracing the botanical origin of food products
    P Madesis, I Ganopoulos, I Sakaridis, A Argiriou, A Tsaftaris
    Food Research International, 60, 163-172, 2014
  • Overexpression of a specific soybean GmGSTU4 isoenzyme improves diphenyl ether and chloroacetanilide herbicide tolerance of transgenic tobacco plants
    K Benekos, C Kissoudis, I Nianiou-Obeidat, N Labrou, P Madesis, …
    Journal of Biotechnology, 150(1), 195-201, 2010
  • Microsatellite and DNA-barcode regions typing combined with High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis for food forensic uses: A case study on lentils (Lens culinaris)
    I Bosmali, I Ganopoulos, P Madesis, A Tsaftaris
    Food Research International, 46(1), 141-147, 2012
  • The application of Bar-HRM (Barcode DNA-High Resolution Melting) analysis for authenticity testing and quantitative detection of bean crops (Leguminosae) without prior DNA …
    P Madesis, I Ganopoulos, A Anagnostis, A Tsaftaris
    Food Control, 25(2), 576-582, 2012
  • Barcode High Resolution Melting (Bar-HRM) analysis for detection and quantification of PDO “Fava Santorinis”(Lathyrus clymenum) adulterants
    I Ganopoulos, P Madesis, N Darzentas, A Argiriou, A Tsaftaris
    Food Chemistry, 133(2), 505-512, 2012
  • Barcode-DNA High Resolution Melting (Bar-HRM) analysis as a novel close-tubed and accurate tool for olive oil forensic use
    I Ganopoulos, C Bazakos, P Madesis, P Kalaitzis, A Tsaftaris
    103, 2012
  • Cell and molecular biology of plastids
    R Bock
    Springer Science & Business Media, 95, 2007
  • Tobacco plants over-expressing the sweet orange tau glutathione transferases (CsGSTUs) acquire tolerance to the diphenyl ether herbicide fluorodifen and to salt and drought …
    LL Cicero, P Madesis, A Tsaftaris, ARL Piero
    Phytochemistry, 116, 69-77, 2015
  • DNA replication, recombination, and repair in plastids
    A Day, P Madesis
    Cell and Molecular Biology of Plastids, 65-119, 2007
  • Olives and olive oil as functional foods
    A Kiritsakis, F Shahidi
    UK: John Wiley & Sons, 90, 2017
  • Exploring priming responses involved in peach fruit acclimation to cold stress
    MA Tanou G, Minas IS, Scossa F, Belghazi M, Xanthopoulou A, Ganopoulos I, …
    Scientific Reports, 7(1), 11358, 2017
  • Bar-HRM for authentication of plant-based medicines: evaluation of three medicinal products derived from Acanthaceae species
    M Osathanunkul, P Madesis, H De Boer
    PLOS ONE, 10(5), e0128476, 2015
  • DNA barcode ITS2 coupled with high resolution melting (HRM) analysis for taxonomic identification of Sideritis species growing in Greece
    A Kalivas, I Ganopoulos, A Xanthopoulou, P Chatzopoulou, A Tsaftaris, …
    Molecular Biology Reports, 41, 5147-5155, 2014
  • Transfer of plastid DNA to the nucleus is elevated during male gametogenesis in tobacco
    AE Sheppard, MA Ayliffe, L Blatch, A Day, SK Delaney, N Khairul-Fahmy, …
    Plant Physiology, 148(1), 328-336, 2008
  • Binding and glutathione conjugation of porphyrinogens by plant glutathione transferases
    DP Dixon, A Lapthorn, P Madesis, EA Mudd, A Day, R Edwards
    Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283(29), 20268-20276, 2008
  • A novel closed-tube method based on high resolution melting (HRM) analysis for authenticity testing and quantitative detection in Greek PDO Feta cheese
    I Ganopoulos, I Sakaridis, A Argiriou, P Madesis, A Tsaftaris
    Food Chemistry, 141(2), 835-840, 2013
  • Vegetable grafting from a molecular point of view: the involvement of epigenetics in rootstock-scion interactions
    A Tsaballa, A Xanthopoulou, P Madesis, A Tsaftaris, I Nianiou-Obeidat
    Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 621999, 2021


Samuel Alemayehu | Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Dr Samuel Alemayehu | Agriculture |  Best Researcher Award

Mekelle university,  Ethiopia

Dr. Samuel Alemayehu Lapiso is an accomplished academic and researcher specializing in Plant Breeding and Seed Systems. He earned his Ph.D. from Mekelle University in 2023, with a focus on the diversity of storage molds and mycotoxins in chickpea and sesame in Ethiopia. With a Master’s degree in Microbiology from Hawassa University and a Bachelor’s in Biology from Haramaya University, he has a robust educational foundation. Dr. Lapiso has held various academic roles at Mekelle University since 2009, including Assistant Professor and Lecturer. His research interests include post-harvest loss management, mycotoxin contamination, and microbial quality analysis of food and water. He has contributed significantly to community service through training programs on safer agricultural practices and has published numerous articles in reputable journals. Dr. Lapiso is also a member of several professional societies, including the Ethiopian Society for Microbiology and the American Geoscience Union.

Publication Profile

Educational Background:

  • Ph.D. in Plant Breeding and Seed Systems (2017-2023), Mekelle University (GPA: 3.97/4.00)
    Research Topic: Diversity of Storage Molds and Mycotoxins in Chickpea and Sesame in Ethiopia
  • M.Sc. in Microbiology (2010-2012), Hawassa University (GPA: 3.48/4.00)
    Thesis: Investigation of Colletotrichum spp. on Mango and Banana in Southern Ethiopia
  • B.Sc. in Biology (2003-2006), Haramaya University (GPA: 3.26/4.00)
    Project: Microbiological Quality of Drinking Water in Bati Haramaya
  • Higher Diploma in Teaching Profession (2009), Mekelle University

Professional Experience:

  • Assistant Professor (2015-Present), Mekelle University
  • Lecturer (2012-2015), Mekelle University
  • Graduate Assistant (2009-2012), Mekelle University
  • Assistant Coordinator, Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Post-Harvest Loss Reduction, Ethiopia (Since 2018)
  • Biology Teacher, Mudulla Senior Secondary School, Tembaro District (2006-2008)

Research Interests:

Samuel specializes in post-harvest loss management, particularly mycotoxin contamination in pulse and oil crops. His expertise includes molecular-based identification of toxigenic microbial species, mycotoxin detection and management, and microbial quality analysis of food and water.

Professional Memberships:

  • American Geoscience Union (AGU) (2023-Present)
  • Ethiopian Society for Microbiology (ESM) (2016-Present)
  • Biological Society of Ethiopia (BSE) (2014-Present)
  • Ethiopian Society of Postharvest Management (2019-Present)

Publication Top Notes

Occurrence and Levels of Mycotoxins in On-Farm-Stored Sesame in Major Growing Districts of Ethiopia
Agriculture, 2024-02
DOI: 10.3390/agriculture14030372
Authors: Samuel Alemayehu, Fetien Abay Abera, Kiros-Meles Ayimut, Jagger Harvey, Rizana Mahroof, Subramanyam Bhadriraju, Jonathan Ulmer, Richard Edema
Source: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute


Kovács Flórián | Agronomy | Best Researcher Award

Mr Kovács Flórián |  Agronomy |  Best Researcher Award

Florian Kovac is a dedicated researcher and PhD student at the MATE Doctoral School of Horticultural Sciences, specializing in plant protection and nutrient management. Born in 1989 and based in Szeged, Hungary, Florian earned his Master of Science in Plant Protection from Budapesti Corvinus University in 2014, graduating summa cum laude, following his Bachelor’s degree in Horticultural Engineering from the same institution in 2012. With experience as an individual entrepreneur in nutrient management and plant protection consultancy, he has contributed to the development of Field Calc software. Fluent in Serbian and English, Florian possesses strong skills in statistical analysis and programming, applying advanced methodologies in his research. His work includes publishing multiple manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, focusing on innovative approaches to horticultural nitrogen fertilization and soil biology.

Publication profile:


  • MSc in Plant Protection
    Budapesti Corvinus University (2012-2014)
    Graduated summa cum laude
  • BSc in Horticultural Engineering
    Budapesti Corvinus University (2008-2012)

Work Experience:

  • PhD Student
    MATE – Doctoral School of Horticultural Sciences (2022 – Present)
  • Teaching Assistant
    Szegedi Tudományegyetem (2024 – Present)
  • Individual Entrepreneur
    Nutrient management and plant protection consultancy, Field Calc software developer (2015 – 2022)

Research Focus:

Florian’s research emphasizes alternative approaches to horticultural nitrogen fertilization, soil biology, and the efficacy of innovative mulching techniques. His work includes the comprehensive statistical analysis of agricultural data and the exploration of plant protection methodologies.

Scientific Publications:

Florian has authored and co-authored several manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, including:

  • “Alternative Approaches to Horticultural Nitrogen Fertilisation in Sandy Soils” (2023)
  • “The Effect of Wool Mulch on Plant Development in the Context of the Physical and Biological Conditions in Soil” (2023)
  • “How Different Mulch Materials Regulate Soil Moisture and Microbiological Activity?” (2022)



  • Total citations: 232
  • Citations since 2019: 97


  • Overall h-index: 7
  • h-index since 2019: 7


  • Overall i10-index: 5
  • i10-index since 2019: 3


Publication Top Notes:

  1. A class of expandable polyhedral structures
    F Kovács, T Tarnai, PW Fowler, SD Guest
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41(3-4), 1119-1137 (2004)
    Citations: 55
  2. Double–link expandohedra: a mechanical model for expansion of a virus
    F Kovács, T Tarnai, SD Guest, PW Fowler
    Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical … (2004)
    Citations: 54
  3. Balancing polyhedra
    G Domokos, F Kovács, Z Lángi, K Regős, PT Varga
    arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.05382 (2018)
    Citations: 17
  4. Wrapping the cube and other polyhedra
    T Tarnai, F Kovács, PW Fowler, SD Guest
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering … (2012)
    Citations: 17
  5. Symmetry-adapted mobility and stress analysis of spherical and polyhedral generalised bar-and-joint structures
    F Kovács, T Tarnai
    PhD dissertation submitted to the BME (2004)
    Citations: 11
  6. Construction of a mechanical model for the expansion of a virus
    SD Guest, F Kovács, T Tarnai, PW Fowler
    Proc. IASS-2004, 20-24 (2004)
    Citations: 8
  7. An expandable dodecahedron
    F Kovács, T Tarnai
    Hyper Space/高次元科学会 編, 10(1), 13-20 (2001)
    Citations: 8
  8. The effect of wool mulch on plant development in the context of the physical and biological conditions in soil
    K Juhos, E Papdi, F Kovács, VP Vasileiadis, A Veres
    Plants, 12(3), 684 (2023)
    Citations: 7
  9. Equiauxetic hinged Archimedean tilings
    T Tarnai, PW Fowler, SD Guest, F Kovács
    Symmetry, 14(2), 232 (2022)
    Citations: 7
  10. Mono-unstable polyhedra with point masses have at least 8 vertices
    S Bozóki, G Domokos, F Kovács, K Regős
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, 234, 111276 (2022)
    Citations: 7
  11. Number and twistedness of strands in weavings on regular convex polyhedra
    F Kovács
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering … (2014)
    Citations: 6
  12. Foldable bar structures on a sphere
    F Kovács
    IUTAM-IASS Symposium on Deployable Structures: Theory and Applications (2000)
    Citations: 6
  13. Two-dimensional analysis of bar-and-joint assemblies on a sphere: equilibrium, compatibility and stiffness
    F Kovács, T Tarnai
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, 46(6), 1317-1325 (2009)
    Citations: 5
  14. Movable pairs of regular polyhedra
    F Kovács, FI Hegedűs, T Tarnai
    Structural Morphology towards the New Millennium, Internat. Colloq. Univ … (1997)
    Citations: 5
  15. Extended truss theory with simplex constraints
    F Kovács
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, 48(3-4), 472-482 (2011)
    Citations: 4
  16. Mobility and stress analysis of highly symmetric generalized bar-and-joint structures
    F Kovács
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics, 5(1), 65-78 (2004)
    Citations: 4
  17. Conway’s spiral and a discrete gömböc with 21 point masses
    G Domokos, F Kovács
    The American Mathematical Monthly, 130(9), 795-807 (2023)
    Citations: 3
  18. How Different Mulch Materials Regulate Soil Moisture and Microbiological Activity?
    E Papdi, A Veres, F Kovács, K Juhos
    Journal of Central European Green Innovation, 10(Suppl), 26-38 (2022)
    Citations: 2
  19. Optimal packages: binding regular polyhedra
    F Kovács
    [Publication details missing] (2014)
    Citations: 2
  20. Occurrence of production diseases in large dairy herds in Hungary
    E Brydl, F Kovács, P Ribiczey, L Konda, G Nagy
    7th International Congress on Production Disease in Farm Animals, Cornell … (1989)
    Citations: 2



Radha Rani | Sustainable Agriculture | Women Researcher Award

Dr Radha Rani |  Sustainable Agriculture |  Women Researcher Award

Associate Professor at  Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad,  India

Dr. Radha Rani is an esteemed Associate Professor in the Department of Biotechnology at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. With a Ph.D. in Microbiology, her research focuses on environmental microbiology and biotechnology, specifically in the areas of bioremediation, biodegradation, and phytodegradation of organic pollutants, as well as plant-microbe interactions. Dr. Rani possesses technical expertise in remediating soil contaminated with organic and inorganic pollutants, microbial fermentation, and studying microbial diversity. She is proficient in advanced analytical techniques, including GC/LC-MS and ICP-AES, contributing significantly to the field through her innovative research and dedication to environmental sustainability.

Publication profile:


Dr. Radha Rani specializes in Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology, focusing on Bioremediation, Biodegradation, and Phytodegradation of organic pollutants, as well as plant-microbe interactions.

Technical Expertise:

  • Bioremediation of soil contaminated with organic/inorganic pollutants
  • Microbial fermentation
  • Microbial diversity studies
  • GC/LC-MS and ICP-AES techniques

Research Experience:

  • Doctoral Research: Conducted at the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur
  • Teaching Experience:
    • Shri Shivaji Education Society Amravati’s Science College, Nagpur
    • IFTM University, Moradabad
    • MNNIT, Allahabad


  • Citations: 2,032 (1,871 since 2019)
  • h-index: 23 (22 since 2019)
  • i10-index: 31 (29 since 2019)


Publication Top Notes:

  • A critical review on speciation, mobilization and toxicity of lead in soil-microbe-plant system and bioremediation strategies
    A. Kushwaha, N. Hans, S. Kumar, R. Rani
    Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 147, 1035-1045 (2018)
    Citations: 495
  • Heavy metal detoxification and tolerance mechanisms in plants: Implications for phytoremediation
    A. Kushwaha, R. Rani, S. Kumar, A. Gautam
    Environmental Reviews 24 (1), 39-51 (2015)
    Citations: 204
  • Liposome and their applications in cancer therapy
    H. Pandey, R. Rani, V. Agarwal
    Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 59, e16150477 (2016)
    Citations: 152
  • Tolerance and Reduction of Chromium(VI) by Bacillus sp. MNU16 Isolated from Contaminated Coal Mining Soil
    N. Upadhyay, K. Vishwakarma, J. Singh, M. Mishra, V. Kumar, R. Rani, …
    Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 778 (2017)
    Citations: 130
  • Adsorption kinetics and molecular interactions of lead [Pb(II)] with natural clay and humic acid
    J. K. P. Kushwaha, A. Rani
    International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 1, 1-12 (2019)
    Citations: 96
  • Recent progress in microbial fuel cells for industrial effluent treatment and energy generation: Fundamentals to scale-up application and challenges
    R. Selvasembian, J. Mal, R. Rani, R. Sinha, R. Agrahari, I. Joshua, …
    Bioresource Technology 346, 126462 (2022)
    Citations: 94
  • A new insight to adsorption and accumulation of high lead concentration by exopolymer and whole cells of lead-resistant bacterium Acinetobacter junii L. Pb1 isolated from coal …
    M. A. Anamika Kushwaha, Radha Rani, Sanjay Kumar, Tarence Thomas, Arun Alfred David
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24 (11), 10652-10661 (2017)
    Citations: 75
  • Emerging bioremediation technologies for the treatment of textile wastewater containing synthetic dyes: a comprehensive review
    A. Srivastava, R. M. Rani, D. S. Patle, S. Kumar
    Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 97 (1), 26-41 (2022)
    Citations: 73
  • Evaluation of the cytotoxicity and interaction of lead with lead resistant bacterium Acinetobacter junii Pb1
    R. R. Singh, P. K., Kushwaha A., Hans N., Gautam A.
    Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 50 (1), 223 (2019)
    Citations: 50
  • Microbial decolorization of Reactive Black 5 dye by Bacillus albus DD1 isolated from textile water effluent: kinetic, thermodynamics & decolorization mechanism
    A. Srivastava, L. K. Dangi, S. Kumar, R. Rani
    Heliyon 8 (2) (2022)
    Citations: 48
  • Advances in the development of electrode materials for improving the reactor kinetics in microbial fuel cells
    R. Agrahari, B. Bayar, H. N. Abubackar, B. S. Giri, E. R. Rene, R. Rani
    Chemosphere 290, 133184 (2022)
    Citations: 47
  • Soil ecophysiological and microbiological indices of soil health: a study of coal mining site in Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh
    N. Upadhyay, S. Verma, A. Pratap Singh, S. Devi, K. Vishwakarma, N. Kumar, …
    Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 16 (3), 778-800 (2016)
    Citations: 41
  • Biodegradation of phorate in soil and rhizosphere of Brassica juncea (L.)(Indian Mustard) by a microbial consortium
    R. Rani, A. Juwarkar
    International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 71, 36-42 (2012)
    Citations: 41
  • Optimization of operating conditions of miniaturized single chambered microbial fuel cell using NiWO4/graphene oxide modified anode for performance improvement and microbial …
    R. Rani, D. Sharma, S. Kumar
    Bioresource Technology 285, 121337 (2019)
    Citations: 39
  • High-capacity polyaniline-coated molybdenum oxide composite as an effective catalyst for enhancing the electrochemical performance of the microbial fuel cell
    R. Rani, S. Kumar
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (31), 16933-16943 (2019)
    Citations: 34
  • Role of root exudates on the soil microbial diversity and biogeochemistry of heavy metals
    P. Agarwal, R. Vibhandik, R. Agrahari, A. Daverey, R. Rani
    Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 196 (5), 2673-2693 (2024)
    Citations: 33
  • Unravelling the role of rhizospheric plant-microbe synergy in phytoremediation: a genomic perspective
    P. Agarwal, B. S. Giri, R. Rani
    Current Genomics 21 (5), 334-342 (2020)
    Citations: 33
  • Mechanism of soil-metal-microbe interactions and their implication on microbial bioremediation and phytoremediation
    A. Kushwaha, R. Rani, S. Kumar
    Environmental Science and Engineering. Biodegradation and Bioremediation 8 (2017)
    Citations: 31
  • Enhanced Performance of a Single Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell Using NiWO4/Reduced Graphene Oxide Coated Carbon Cloth Anode
    S. K. Geetanjali, Radha Rani
    Fuel Cell (2019) DOI: 10.1002/fuce.201800120
    Citations: 28
  • Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium [Cr(VI)] by Heavy Metal Tolerant Bacterium Alkalihalobacillus clausii CRA1 and Its Toxicity Assessment Through Flow Cytometry
    A. Gautam, A. Kushwaha, R. Rani
    Current Microbiology 79 (1), 33 (2022)
    Citations: 27


Vassilios Triantafyllidis | Sustainable Crop Production | Best Researcher Award

Vassilios Triantafyllidis | Sustainable Crop Production | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr Vassilios Triantafyllidis, University of Patras, Greece

Based on the provided information, Dr. Vassilios Triantafyllidis appears to be a strong candidate for the Researcher of the Year Award.

Publication profile


Extensive Education and Experience

Dr. Triantafyllidis holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and has substantial teaching and research experience, including roles as an Assistant Professor and visiting lecturer at multiple institutions.

Diverse Research Contributions

His research spans several important areas including pesticide science, soil and water management, and the environmental impact of agricultural practices. Notable projects include comparative assessments of pesticide impacts in Europe and innovative methodologies for olive oil traceability.

Significant Publications

He has published multiple impactful articles in reputable journals on topics like herbicide use, olive tree water dynamics, and organic fertilization effects, demonstrating his active and influential research output.

Leadership in Research Projects

Dr. Triantafyllidis has served as a principal investigator and research fellow in significant projects, contributing to advancements in agricultural sciences and environmental management.

Commitment to Education

His teaching contributions at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels highlight his dedication to shaping future experts in his field.

Overall, Dr. Triantafyllidis’s comprehensive research, educational involvement, and leadership in significant projects make him a well-suited candidate for the Best Researcher Award. 🌟🔬📚

Publication top notes

Herbicide Use in the Era of Farm to Fork: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Future Implications

Influence of Organic Fertilization and Soil Tillage on the Yield and Quality of Cold-Pressed Camelina [Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz] Seed Cake: An Alternative Feed Ingredient

Mediterranean Plants as Potential Source of Biopesticides: An Overview of Current Research and Future Trends

Fungicides in Europe During the Twenty-first Century: a Comparative Assessment Using Agri-environmental Indices of EU<sub>27</sub>

Performance of fourteen genotypes of durum wheat under Eastern Mediterranean conditions

Seed fixed oil content, oil yield, and fatty acids profile of <i>Nigella sativa</i> L. in response to fertilization and plant density

Maha Al-Zu’bi | Sustainable Agriculture | Women Researcher Award

Dr. Maha Al-Zu’bi | Sustainable Agriculture | Women Researcher Award

Regional Researcher- Sustainable and Resilient Water Systems at University of Calgary, Jordan

Maha Al-Zu’bi is a seasoned expert in managing international development projects with a strong background in environmental design and sustainability. With over 15 years of experience, she has led and contributed to high-impact initiatives across the Middle East and Central Asia. Her research interests include climate change governance and the energy-water-food nexus. Maha is dedicated to integrating innovative solutions and fostering collaboration to address pressing global challenges. 🌍💧🌱


Educational Background:

Ph.D. in Environmental Design with a specialization in Energy Environmental Systems from the University of Calgary, Canada.

Professional Experience:

  • Over 15 years in managing public and internationally funded projects, including those funded by major organizations like the UNDP, GGGI, World Bank, and USAID.
  • Currently co-leading the CGIAR Regional Integrated Initiative “Fragility to Resilience in Central and West Asia and North Africa” and serving as a Regional Researcher at the International Water Management Institute.
  • Previously managed major research initiatives and climate change projects, such as the Global Research Initiative in Sustainable Low Carbon Unconventional Resources at the University of Calgary.

Research Interests:

Maha’s research focuses on climate change governance, green roof policy, and the energy-water-food nexus. She is passionate about proposing local climate policies and principles for climate change adaptation and mitigation, particularly in the Arab region. Her work emphasizes fostering interdisciplinary approaches to address complex environmental challenges.

Publication Top Notes:

  • SDG11–Sustainable Cities and Communities: Towards Inclusive, Safe, and Resilient Settlements
    M Al-Zu’bi, V Radovic
    Emerald Publishing Limited, 32, 2018
  • Water, Energy, and Rooftops: Integrating Green Roof Systems into Building Policies in the Arab Region
    M Al-Zu’bi, O Mansour
    Environment and Natural Resources Research, 7(2), 11-36, 2017
  • Jordan’s Climate Change Governance Framework: From Silos to an Intersectoral Approach
    M Al-Zu’bi
    Environment Systems and Decisions, 36, 277-301, 2016
  • African Perspectives on Climate Change Research
    M Al-Zu’bi, SW Dejene, J Hounkpè, OL Kupika, S Lwasa, M Mbenge, …
    Nature Climate Change, 12(12), 1078-1084, 2022
  • Water-Energy-Food-Climate Change Nexus in the Arab Cities: The Case of Amman City, Jordan
    M Al-Zu’bi
    University of Calgary, 2017
  • Shifting Waters: The Challenges of Transitioning from Freshwater to Treated Wastewater Irrigation in the Northern Jordan Valley
    MH Tawfik, H Al-Zawaidah, J Hoogesteger, M Al-Zu’bi, P Hellegers, …
    Water, 15(7), 1315, 2023
  • Strengthening Climate Security in the Middle East and North Africa Region
    P Laderach, DJ Merrey, F Schapendonk, B Dhehibi, S Ruckstuhl, …
    IWMI, 2022
  • Water, Energy and Food: The Problematic Aspects of the Transition from ‘Silo Approach’ to ‘Nexus Approach’ in the Arab Region
    M Al-Zu’bi, N Keough
    Water, Energy, Food and People Across the Global South: ‘The Nexus’ in an …, 2018
  • Towards Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions Agriculture in North Africa Through Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Systematic Review
    Y Brouziyne, A El Bilali, T Epule Epule, V Ongoma, A Elbeltagi, J Hallam, …
    Climate, 11(7), 139, 2023
  • Application of Artificial Intelligence in Monitoring of Animal Health and Welfare
    AZA Ali, M Al-Zu’bi
    Indian Journal of Animal Research, 57(11), 1550-1555, 2023
  • Hydrological Modelling for Reservoir Operation: Application of SWAT Model for Kalu Ganga Catchment, Sri Lanka
    GAT Madushanka, KDW Nandalal, LP Muthuwatta
    ENGINEER, 55(03), 29-41, 2022
  • One Hundred Priority Questions for the Development of Sustainable Food Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
    AJM Devenish, P Schmitter, NP Jellason, N Esmail, NM Abdi, SK Adanu, …
    Land, 12(10), 1879, 2023
  • Climate Security in the MENA Region
    P Läderach, DJ Merrey, F Schapendonk, B Dhehibi, S Ruckstuhl, …
  • SDG11 and the Associated Challenges to Implementation
    M Al-Zu’bi, V Radovic
    SDG11–Sustainable Cities and Communities: Towards Inclusive, Safe, and …, 2018
  • Cities and Key Interactions
    M Al-Zu’bi, V Radovic
    SDG11–Sustainable Cities and Communities: Towards Inclusive, Safe, and …, 2018
  • Mapping SDG Stories
    M Al-Zu’bi, V Radovic
    SDG11–Sustainable Cities and Communities: Towards Inclusive, Safe, and …, 2018


Tangyuan Ning | sustainable crop production | Best Researcher Award

Tangyuan Ning | sustainable crop production | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Dr. Tangyuan Ning , academic at Shandong Agricultural University in China.

Prof. Dr. Tangyuan Ning is a leading scholar in agricultural science at Shandong Agricultural University. His expertise spans crop physiology, drought tolerance, and soil management. With significant contributions to agricultural innovation, he serves as the director of the Key Laboratory of Crop Water Physiology and Drought-Tolerance Germplasm Improvement. Prof. Ning has a notable research profile with extensive international collaboration and a strong citation record. He is dedicated to advancing sustainable agricultural practices through his research and leadership. 🌱📚




  1. Visiting Research Scholar, The Ohio State University, USA
    June 2014 – June 2015
    Conducted advanced research on crop physiology and water management.
  2. Visiting Research Scholar, University of Göttingen, Germany
    November 2019 – October 2020
    Focused on drought tolerance and soil fertility.
  3. Ph.D. in Agricultural Science, Shandong Agricultural University, China
    Specialized in crop improvement and soil management.
  4. Master’s in Crop Science, Shandong Agricultural University, China
  5. Bachelor’s in Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University, China


  1. Professor, Agricultural College, Shandong Agricultural University
    2014 – Present
    Leads research on crop water physiology and drought tolerance. Oversees the Key Laboratory of Crop Water Physiology and Drought-Tolerance Germplasm Improvement and is the Principal Investigator of the National Engineering Laboratory for Efficient Utilization of Soil and Fertilizer. 🌾🔬
  2. Visiting Research Scholar, The Ohio State University
    June 2014 – June 2015
  3. Visiting Research Scholar, University of Göttingen
    November 2019 – October 2020
  4. Director, Key Laboratory of Crop Water Physiology and Drought-Tolerance Germplasm Improvement
    Ministry of Agriculture
    Manages research initiatives and technological advancements in crop water management.

Research Interests:

  1. 🌱 Soil Carbon Formation and Properties
    Prof. Dr. Tangyuan Ning’s research delves into the dynamics of soil carbon formation and its impact on soil quality and agricultural productivity. He investigates how soil organic carbon contributes to soil health, fertility, and long-term sustainability.
  2. 🌾 Crop Carbon Fixation
    A significant focus of Dr. Ning’s work is on understanding crop carbon fixation processes. His research aims to optimize how crops absorb and utilize carbon dioxide, which is crucial for improving crop yield and reducing atmospheric CO₂ levels.
  3. 🚜 Cropping Systems and Soil Management
    Dr. Ning explores innovative cropping systems and soil management practices to enhance productivity and sustainability. His research includes the development of practices that integrate conservation tillage, crop rotation, and soil fertility management to improve overall farm efficiency.
  4. 🔬 Conservation Tillage Practices
    His studies on conservation tillage aim to assess its effects on soil carbon sequestration, soil health, and crop yields. Dr. Ning is interested in how different tillage methods influence long-term soil sustainability.
  5. 🌾 Intercrop Systems and Sustainable Farming
    Dr. Ning investigates the benefits of intercropping systems, such as the combination of maize with other crops like peanuts. His research focuses on optimizing these systems to enhance soil health, improve productivity, and maintain sustainable farmland.
  6. 📉 Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management
    Research on soil fertility and nutrient management is key to Dr. Ning’s work. He examines how different fertilizer applications and soil amendments affect crop growth, yield, and soil nutrient status.
  7. 🌍 Climate-Smart Agriculture
    Dr. Ning is committed to climate-smart agricultural practices that adapt to changing climatic conditions. His research includes developing strategies to mitigate climate impacts on agriculture while enhancing resilience and productivity.
  8. 🔍 Microbial Communities and Carbon Sequestration
    Dr. Ning explores how microbial communities in the soil contribute to carbon sequestration and overall soil health. His work aims to understand and leverage these microbial processes for improved soil management.
  9. 📈 Agricultural Waste Recycling
    He is involved in research on recycling agricultural waste to enhance soil health and sustainability. This includes developing technologies to convert waste into valuable resources for crop production.

Awards & Grants:

  • Key Technology and Integrated Application of Multi-Harvest Farming
    Award: Shennong China Agricultural Science and Technology Award, First Prize
    Year: 2019
    Recognized for groundbreaking advancements in multi-harvest farming techniques that significantly enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability.
  • Research, Development, and Industrial Application of New Functional Greenhouse Film and Mulch Film in Agriculture
    Award: Scientific and Technological Achievement Award, First Prize
    Organization: Shandong Provincial Government
    Year: 2018
    Honored for innovative contributions to the development of functional greenhouse and mulch films that improve agricultural practices and efficiency.
  • Key Technologies and Application of Recycling Use of Agricultural Wastes in Huang-Huai-Hai Region
    Award: Scientific and Technological Achievement Award, Second Prize
    Organization: Shandong Provincial Government
    Year: 2016
    Awarded for significant work in recycling agricultural wastes, contributing to sustainable farming practices in the Huang-Huai-Hai region.
  • National Excellent Resource-Sharing Course: Agro-ecology
    Award: National Recognition
    Year: 2013
    Acknowledged for creating a leading resource-sharing course in agro-ecology, enhancing the field’s educational resources.
  • Pioneer of Teaching Award
    Institution: Shandong Agricultural University
    Year: 2013
    Recognized for outstanding contributions to education and teaching excellence at Shandong Agricultural University.
  • Technical System Establishment and Demonstration for High Yield Intercropping System of Wheat, Peanut, and Maize
    Award: Scientific and Technological Achievement Award, First Prize
    Organization: Henan Provincial Education Department
    Year: 2012
    Awarded for developing and demonstrating a successful intercropping system that improves yield and efficiency in wheat, peanut, and maize cultivation.
  • Top Ten Outstanding Young Skilled Workers
    Institution: Shandong Agricultural University
    Year: 2012
    Honored for exceptional skills and contributions to the agricultural field as a young professional.
  • Key Technologies Research and Demonstration for Standardized Production of Pollution-Free High-Quality Wheat
    Award: Scientific and Technological Achievement Award, Second Prize
    Organization: Shandong Provincial Government
    Year: 2011
    Recognized for research and technology in producing high-quality, pollution-free wheat, enhancing crop quality and sustainability.
  • Outstanding Young Scientist in Farming System Branch of China Association of Agricultural Science Societies
    Award: Outstanding Young Scientist
    Year: 2010
    Acknowledged for significant contributions to farming systems and agricultural science.
  • Shandong Provincial Awards for Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry
    Award: Demonstration for Drought and Salt Tolerance of High-Quality Wheat Varieties and Technologies for Cost Reduction and Efficiency Improvement
    Year: 2005
    Awarded for advances in developing drought and salt-tolerant wheat varieties, improving agricultural resilience and cost-efficiency

Research projects:

Prof. Dr. Tangyuan Ning has made significant contributions through his research projects, focusing on soil management and crop physiology. He has completed approximately 20 research projects and is currently engaged in 7 ongoing projects. His research addresses critical areas such as crop water efficiency, soil fertility, and drought resistance.

Citation Index:

  • Scopus: H-index 26
  • Web of Science: H-index 18
  • Scientific Index: H-index 32
  • Total i10 Index: 90
  • ResearchGate: Research Interest Score 1,406; Citations: 2,450

Consultancy/Industry Projects:
Prof. Ning has undertaken 3 consultancy or industry-sponsored projects, contributing his expertise to practical applications and industry advancements in agriculture.

Publication Top notes:

  • Maize (Zea mays L.) planted at higher density utilizes dynamic light more efficiently
    Plant, Cell & Environment
    November 2023
    DOI: 10.1111/pce.14673
  • Long-Term Maize Intercropping with Peanut and Phosphorus Application Maintains Sustainable Farmland Productivity by Improving Soil Aggregate Stability and P Availability
    October 17, 2023
    DOI: 10.20944/preprints202310.1022.v1
  • Statistical analysis of the effects of variations in leaf shape, planting density, and nitrogen application rate on direct and diffuse light contributions to the crop yield from soy
    March 29, 2023
    DOI: 10.22541/au.168006250.03586141/v1
  • Climate-Smart Tillage Practices with Straw Return to Sustain Crop Productivity
    October 10, 2022
    DOI: 10.3390/agronomy12102452
  • Nitrogen fixation and crop productivity enhancements co‐driven by intercrop root exudates and key rhizosphere bacteria
    Journal of Applied Ecology
    October 2021
    DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13964
  • Soil organic carbon increment sources and crop yields under long‐term conservation tillage practices in wheat‐maize systems
    Land Degradation & Development
    May 30, 2020
    DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3531
  • Responses of soil carbon, nitrogen, and wheat and maize productivity to 10 years of decreased nitrogen fertilizer under contrasting tillage systems
    Soil and Tillage Research
    February 2020
    DOI: 10.1016/j.still.2019.104444
  • Shifts in microbial community and carbon sequestration in farmland soil under long-term conservation tillage and straw returning
    Applied Soil Ecology
    April 2019
    DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2018.12.016
  • Suitability of mulching with biodegradable film to moderate soil temperature and moisture and to increase photosynthesis and yield in peanut
    Agricultural Water Management
    September 2018
    DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2018.06.027



Maryam Yousefi | Sustainable Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Dr Maryam Yousefi |  Sustainable Agriculture |  Best Researcher Award

Postdoc at  ZALF,  Germany

Dr. Maryam Yousefi is a prominent researcher specializing in environmental science and agricultural sustainability. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) in Berlin, Germany, focusing on “Living Labs in Agricultural Landscapes” under the supervision of Prof. Frank Ewert. Previously, she worked at ETH Zurich’s Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems, where she explored “Enhancing biodiversity & resilience in crop production,” supervised by Prof. Jaboury Ghazoul and Prof. Johan Six.


🎓 Education:

  • Ph.D. in Environmental Science
    Shahid Beheshti University, Iran

    • Visitor, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain (2018-2019)
  • M.S. in Natural Resource Engineering – Land Use Planning and Assessment
    Birjand University, Iran
  • B.S. in Natural Resource Engineering – Environmental Science
    Hakim Sabzevari University, Iran
  • A.S. in Environmental Science
    Birjand University, Iran

🏆 Honors and Awards:

  1. Ranked 1st among B.S. students in Environmental Science, Hakim Sabzevari University.
  2. Granted direct admission to M.S. program by Birjand University’s Talent Student Office.
  3. Active member of the Young Researchers Club (2010-2018).
  4. Ranked 3rd among ~2000 participants in the Iranian Ph.D. entrance exam.

🔬 Academic and Project Experience:

  • Collaborator – Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines (Iran)
  • Project Manager – Agricultural Planning (Qazvin Province, Iran)
  • Project Manager – Land Use Planning (Gilan & Qazvin Provinces, Iran)
  • Research Assistant – Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
  • Lecturer – Payam Noor University, Iran

🌿 Sustainable Agriculture Research Focus:

    • Biodiversity & Resilience: Enhancing biodiversity and resilience in crop production systems to improve sustainability and productivity.
    • Ecosystem Services: Evaluating and optimizing ecosystem services provided by agricultural landscapes, such as pest control and soil health.
    • Agri-environmental Schemes: Assessing the effectiveness of intercropping and other agri-environmental schemes to support sustainable farming practices.
    • Living Labs: Implementing and studying living labs in agricultural landscapes to test and promote sustainable agricultural practices.
    • Landscape Ecological Modeling: Using landscape ecological models to understand and manage landscape carrying capacity and environmental impacts of agricultural activities.
    • Social-Ecological Systems: Exploring the interactions between social and ecological systems to develop integrated approaches for sustainable land use and management.


  • Total Citations: 255
  • Citations Since 2019: 235
  • h-index: 9
  • i10-index: 9

Publication Top Notes:

  • Modelling Landscape Ecological Assessments of Land Use and Cover Change Scenarios: Application to the Bojnourd Metropolitan Area (NE Iran)
    • Authors: A Darvishi, M Yousefi, J Marull
    • Journal: Land Use Policy
    • Citations: 62
    • Year: 2020
  • Convenient Landfill Site Selection by Using Fuzzy Logic and Geographic Information Systems: A Case Study in Bardaskan, East of Iran
    • Authors: A Khorram, M Yousefi, SA Alavi, J Farsi
    • Journal: Health Scope
    • Citations: 45
    • Year: 2015
  • Land Use Change Detection Using Remote Sensing and Artificial Neural Network: Application to Birjand, Iran
    • Authors: M Ahmadizadeh, M Yousefi
    • Journal: Computational Ecology and Software
    • Citations: 28
    • Year: 2014
  • An Energy-Landscape Integrated Analysis to Evaluate Agroecological Scarcity
    • Authors: M Yousefi, A Darvishi, R Padró, S Barghjelveh, NM Dinan, J Marull
    • Journal: Science of the Total Environment
    • Citations: 21
    • Year: 2020
  • Assessing Levels, Trade-offs, and Synergies of Landscape Services in the Iranian Province of Qazvin: Towards Sustainable Landscapes
    • Authors: A Darvishi, M Yousefi, NM Dinan, P Angelstam
    • Journal: Landscape Ecology
    • Citations: 16
    • Year: 2022
  • Comparison of Two Biophysical Indicators Under Different Landscape Complexity
    • Authors: M Yousefi, A Darvishi, E Tello, S Barghjelveh, NM Dinan, J Marull
    • Journal: Ecological Indicators
    • Citations: 14
    • Year: 2021
  • Assessment and Spatial Planning of Landscape Ecological Connectivity for Biodiversity Management (Case Study: Qazvin Province)
    • Authors: A Darvishi, NM Dinan, S Barghjelveh, M Yousefi
    • Journal: Iranian Journal of Applied Ecology
    • Citations: 14
    • Year: 2020
  • Investigating the Effect of Socio-economic Disturbance Resulting from Human Activities on Landscape Ecological Function Using HANPP Index (Case Study: Qazvin Province)
    • Authors: A Darvishi, M Yousefi, NM Mobarghei Dinan
    • Journal: Journal of Natural Environment
    • Citations: 13
    • Year: 2020
  • Evaluating the Correlation Between Pollination Ecosystem Service and Landscape Pattern Metrics (Case Study: Qazvin Province)
    • Authors: A Darvishi, M Yousefi, DN Mobargae
    • Journal: Iranian Journal of Applied Ecology
    • Citations: 10
    • Year: 2021
  • Assessment of Light Pollution in Bojnord City Using Remote Sensing Data
    • Authors: A Khorram, M Yousefi, M Fardad
    • Journal: International Journal of Environmental Health Engineering
    • Citations: 6
    • Year: 2014